Character Creation Rules:

Characters are created using both the Mind's Eye Theater corebook, Changeling: The Lost corebook, and Winter Masques.

Items from other books will be considered on a one-for-one basis, except Equinox Roads: the only things from there that will be considered are Contract of Reflections, and Crimson Steel.

When submitting said request, please include the proper name of the power or item, the book in which it can be found, and the page number.

As per the information listed in Autumn Nightmares as well as the information regarding Changelings and their fertility in the Corebook, we will be maintaining a specific ruling on this. Yes, your character may get pregnant if you so chose to allow for that. Please remember that as per the Clarity information listed in the Changeling the Lost corebook on page 92, it is a Clarity break at level 4 to have an unexpected pregnancy, this applies to both male and female Changelings.
The pregnancy may go through the full gestation period if you as a player so chose, however upon birth the child lives for the length of 1 hour per dots of Wyrd of the Changeling parent or the mother in cases of dual Changeling matings. After that point the body of the child may be dealt with however the parents so see fit.

Instant Play: 50 XP. Still have to submit PC to Admin, but do not have to wait for approval. Dual Kith not allowed at this level of play, and a minimal background of at least three paragraphs required. Admin and Owners reserve the right to ask you to modify or remove items from your sheet in order to maintain game balance.
Attributes: 5/4/3
Abilities: 11/7/4 (+3 specialities)
Contracts: 5 dots
Merits: 7 (remember, dots in Wyrd cost 3 of your Merit Dots at character creation).
Court: Seasonal, or Courtless only. No other courts will be considered at this time.
XP: 45

Restrictions: No Attribute or Ability above 3. One Contract at 3. Most Merits can be at 3, but no higer. No more than one type of Goblin Fruit may be garnered through Harvest. Court Goodwill allowable for one Court, at 1. Mantle will not be above 2. Tokens will not be more powerful than a 2. Clarity may not be dropped or raised. Willpower no higher than 7. Fighting Style Merits cannot be above 2, and only one is allowed. May not have the New Identity merit. Hollow Merit is restricted to no more than 5 dots between three categories (unless coming in as part of a Motley that has a shared Hollow), with no more than 3 dots in any single category; Doors is not allowed. Hedge Beast Companion is not allowed.

Advanced Play: Must submit PC to Admin and wait for approval in order to play. Dual Kith is allowed with the proper supporting dots, however Admin or Owners reserve the right to deny this for the good of the game. Complete background must be given, including details on your Durance, why it is that you are your particular kith(s), how you escaped, what you did to survive, and why you decided to stay in Salem.
Attributes: 6/5/4
Abilities: 13/9/6 (+3 specialities)
Contracts: 6 dots
Merits: 7 (remember, dots in Wyrd cost 3 of your Merit Dots at character creation).
Court: Seasonal, or Courtless only. No other courts will be considered at this time.
XP: 80

Restrictions: One Attribute, one Ability, one Contract at 4. Most Merits may be raised to 4. No more than three types of Goblin Fruit may be garnered through Harvest. Court Goodwill allowable for one Court, at 2. Mantle will not be above 3. Tokens will not be more powerful than 3, and one is allowable at 4 with sufficiently cool story to support it. Clarity may be dropped to 5, for 2Xp per drop, or may be raised to 8. Fighting Style Merits cannot be above 2, and only one is allowed at this time. May have New Identity Merit of 2, with sufficient background. Hollow Merit will have no more than 8 dots spread between the four categories (unless coming in as part of a Motley that has a shared Hollow), and no more than 2 Doors. Goblin Contracts may be taken at your own risk. Hedge Beast Companion may be granted, with sufficient background and justification (read: make me believe its possible).


Noble Orders:
Entitled changelings are not the norm, and few if any changelings are part of a noble order. New changelings straight from the hedge can not be part of a noble order. Characters that have been around a while may be part of a noble order on a case by case basis.

May Be Awarded IC By Admin:
If you have a specific item or goal you wish to achieve, put it in your history! Let the Admin know that you are seeking something, and a storyline will be created for that purpose. This storyline will not be an easy thing to resolve, for nothing is simple anymore, but if you follow through the rewards will be great. Listed below are a few items that can be garnered through IC actions, at Admin/St discretion.

Goblin Fruit: Hidefruit
Token: Ashlight
Fae Mount
Market Sense
Lethal Mein
Token Crafter
Promise Tokens
Flower of One Hour

No no no, a thousand times NO!: Things That Will Never Be.
Anti-True Fae Dream Charm
Loyalist PCs
Privateer PCs
Fetch PCs
Fetch child, in any form
Fae babies, in any form
True Fae PCs
Banished PCs
3+ Kiths (as per the information in Winter Masques) no matter how high your Wyrd ever gets.
Membership in any Court save the Four Seasons.
Homespun anything aside from Tokens
Partially Transformed Mortals
Fate Points
Dual Seemings!

Winter Masques Items:
Militiaman PCs
Pledges of Man
The Faraway Courts
The Directional Courts
Contract of the Four Directions
Court of Day and Night

Rites of Spring Items:
Pages 14 -20. Thats right, all 6 pages.
The Magic of True Names
The Touch of Arcadia

A Note On Clarity:
Derangement rules are in effect.

Pregnancy, Children or Birthing as a Changeling:
As per the information listed in Autumn Nightmares as well as the information regarding Changelings and their fertility in the Corebook, we will be maintaining a specific ruling on this. Yes, your character may get pregnant if you so chose to allow for that. Please remember that as per the Clarity information listed in the Changeling the Lost corebook on page 92, it is a Clarity break at level 4 to have a pregnancy, unexpected or not. This applies to both male and female Changelings.

If you choose for your PC to go down this road, the pregnancy may go through the full gestation period if you as a player so chose, however upon birth the child lives for the length of 1 hour per dots of Wyrd of the Changeling parent (or the mother in cases of dual Changeling matings). After that point the body of the child may be dealt with however the parents so see fit.

The merit of "Mantle" is considered to be a supernatural connection with your court's season and ideals. Based on the information given both in the Mantle section of the core book and the expanded information in the corebook regarding how contracts work, we will be considering Mantle as such. Until such time as a valid argument to the contrary backed by fact written in the book can be brought to our attention the Mantle will be considered separate from your court status.

This is not to say however that the weight of your Mantle may not interfere with your politics. On the contrary, your Mantle may very well garner you a measure of respect within your court. As per pg 97 of the Changeling the Lost core book you may add your Mantle score to relevant social rolls with members of your court at a rate of +1 per dot. However this roll is not available to supernatural powers that are being used unless otherwise stated in the description of the power

A Word on Ensorcelled Mortal PCs:
Ensorcelled PCs shall be treated as normal PCs unless extenuating circumstances are a factor. The following rules will be applied to Ensorcelled mortals:

Optional Rule: Madness
This rule is listed on page 43 of Autumn Nightmares and will be applied to all mortals that are ensorcelled. As a clarification, for this rule any individual that is not a full-fledged Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, or Changeling is considered mortal. This means that wolf-kin, Sleepwalkers and Ghouls CAN and WILL be effected.